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Pre order for the second Tark’s Ticks: Valor’s Ghost

The new book's go-live day is February 17th!

Just a short post letting you know about my new novel’s upcoming release date. February 17th, 2020 is launch day for Tark’s Ticks: Valor’s Ghost – it is up for pre-order now! Keep in mind, the cover you see is only a placeholder – the actual cover will be done professionally in early February.

The second book starts where the first book left off. Staff Sergeant Tarkington and the rest are holed up in the jungle and take the fight to the enemy as resistance fighters. They have zero support from the US military, so must rely on each other to survive.

I hope you enjoy the book as much as the first one! Here’s the link: Tark’s Ticks: Valor’s Ghost

Thanks for your interest